• Short message for you before sleep

    One day is gone, many days are gone, here you are in a present moment again, reading these words. Must be, something is special about you, being here…

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    4 min read


    01 DECISION Drama, obstacles and suffering are, watching from higher perspective, necessary for inner growth, but only until one point in life. The truth is: Our true nature…

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    4 min read


Life is not easy. We are all crazy.

Great! Now we can move on and see what we can do and create with what we’ve got. Everyone have different bodysuits with different perspectives. But, we are one soul, somehow I figured that out. Now, there is no option of giving up.

Somehow people manage to present their lives perfect as possible, to others. In the meantime they fight alone with themselves.

Why is that? From what we are afraid? Probably from not being loved, exactly as we are. Maybe because we believe that nobody knows who we truly are.

That’s a mistake, nothing wrong with making mistakes, but this one would be good to understand and learn from. Why? Because my understanding is that there is no secrets, energy never lies. So, what we are hiding if on another side everything is visible and clear. At one moment we will face everything from beginning of life until the last breath of it.

Let’s be honest, first with ourselves. That means being brave. That means being bigger than fear. We are so much bigger. We are love, we are one.

Everything starts with honesty, because honesty leads us to the highest truth, which is LOVE. You are love, we are love.

So doesn’t matter what others think of you, if you know and you accept and love yourself exactly the way you are, only then you can truly love others as well.

And, if you live your life with love and honesty, there is nothing to fear or worry.

You are in the alignment with the Universe and there is no mistakes.

Let it be.